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맛의 승부사 - 해물이 통째로! 얼큰시원 수타짬뽕 편

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In the center of Noksapuri, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, you can meet 'Han-Tae Hwa-soo Chuk-soo'.
The color of the cool cold water containing ice is red, and it has emerged as a summer special for new taste.
Chewy identity of the famous red sauce is made hwangtae adding later, recipe pickled liver was the day after hwangtae muchyeo 3-4 days fermentation seasoning Nancy.
Red soup with sour and refreshing taste that will become more clear juice embellish without changing the finely eukkaeseo after the ship steamed pork bone soup in the pressure cooker on the immaculate Nancy orphaned during the day.
In the 'medicinal chicken soup' it is located in Gangnam-gu, Seoul Nonhyeon can meet the "Octopus dakbokkeumtang.
And example 3 has a trough octopus' octopus dakbokkeumtang "The pull of the taste of the hot summer, there is a spicy relish wearing dakbokkeumtang below.